Unique Properties of Nanobubbles

Ultrafine "nano" bubbles are 2,500x smaller than a single grain of salt (100 nanometers).

They have unique properties which are advantageous to water bodies:

  • Size - The small size of nanobubbles (100nm) implies a larger active surface area to interact with water.

Relative size of a Nanobubble

  • Charge - Nanobubbles are negatively charged making them evenly dispersing in water bodies.

Nanobubbles Property - Charge

  • Lifetime - Ultrafine bubbles(Nanobubbles) are long lasting. They can stay in water for up to 4 months.

Nanobubbles Property - Lifetime

  • Permeability - Ultrafine bubbles can be filled with any gas most suited to the treatment required.

Nanobubbles Property - Permeability

  • Oxidation potential - Oxygen Nanobubbles have a sterilizing and oxidizing effect. The O2 released naturally neutralize pathogens and pollutants.

Nanobubbles Property - Oxidation Potential

Ultrafine bubbles are sublimating the delivery of gas into liquids, thus opening game-changing solutions for water enhancement.


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